written for
animal liberation victoria
Animal Liberation Victoria works to advocate for the abolition of animal ownership, use, abuse and slaughter.
As well as creating campaigns for ALV, Emma has written articles for the website, some of which are below.
Emma will write for you, if you ask.
Animal Liberation Victoria:
Dressing Vegan For The Planet
‘Animal agriculture is a leading cause of global warming, water usage, oceanic dead zones, land clearing, and species extinction. We save lives and the planet when we don’t wear animals.’
animal liberation victoria:
Animal testing: vanity over morality
‘Animals are tested on when companies want to see if potential new ingredients for makeup, skincare or haircare are safe. Tests look to see if ingredients will result in eye or skin irritation, general illness, cancer or birth defects. Sometimes experimenters test to find the ‘lethal dose’ of an ingredient – how much of an ingredient an animal can be forced to consume before finally dying a gruelling death.’
animal liberation victoria:
the animal victims of Australia’s bushfires
‘Wild animals are rescued and we fight to save the lives of those most burnt, most injured. Farmed animals are killed because as a ‘product’ they are ‘ruined’, or because their care costs are steeper than the price a farmer would get for their dead body, had they ended up in a slaughterhouse rather than a bushfire. Their financial value is reported, their individuality is forgotten.’
Animal Liberation Victoria:
False claim of transparency from National Farmers’ Federation
‘The National Farmers’ Federation recently made a claim of transparency, inviting the public to see real Australian farms. When we took them up on their offer, the NFF went silent…’
Animal Liberation Victoria:
Is wearing leather like wearing fur?
‘Animals killed for fur like foxes, racoon dogs, rabbits and other animals are not so different from animals killed for leather like cows, sheep and goats.’