References for How Veganism Can Save Us
(For easy searching, use CTRL / CMND + F), then type in the name of the section you’re interested in.
If any references are no longer available, or you want to know more, feel free to email me!)
Chapter one
The truth we’re waking up to
Less meat: if the New York City council is leading the way. [Internet]. Rome: LAV; 2019 [cited 2021]. Available from:
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The rundown on biodiversity
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Biodiversity loss and the animal industrial complex
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EXPLAINER: What’s unnatural about sheep grazing meadows?
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Greenhouse gas emissions
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Enteric fermentation
Methane: a crucial opportunity in the climate fight. [Internet]. New York: Environmental Defense Fund; c2021 [cited 2021]. Available from:
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Francis W. Enteric methane research: a summary of current knowledge and research. [Internet]. Sydney: Department of Primary Industries, New South Wales Government; 2016 [cited 2021]. Available from:
Why regenerative agriculture isn’t as great as it seems
Garnett T, Godde C, Muller A, Röös E, Smith P, de Boer I, et al. Grazed and confused. [Internet]. Oxford: Environmental Change Institute, Food Climate Research Network, University of Oxford; 2017 [cited 2020]. Available from:
The inefficiency of animal agriculture
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Poore J, Nemecek T. Reducing food’s environmental impacts through producers and consumers. Science. 2018; 360 (6392): 987-992.
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Carrington D. $1m a minute: the farming subsidies destroying the world - report. [Internet]. London: The Guardian; 2019 [cited 2021]. Available from:
Springmann M, Godfray C, Rayner M, Scarborough P, Analysis and valuation of the health and climate change cobenefits of dietary change. PNAS. 2016; 113 (15): 4146-4151.
EXPLAINER: The impact of fishing
Mood A. Worse things happen at sea: the welfare of wild-caught fish. [Internet]. Fish Count UK; 2010 [cited 2021]. Available from:
Novogratz A, Velings M. The end of fish. [Internet]. Washington: The Washington Post; 2014 [cited 2021]. Available from:
Kituyi M. 90% of fish stocks are used up - fisheries subsidies must stop. [Internet]. Rome: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development; 2018 [cited 2021]. Available from:
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Hall J. That fish on your dinner plate may be an endangered species. [Internet]. Washington: National Geographic; 2016 [cited 2021]. Available from:
Tuna: red list of threatened species. [Internet]. Gland (CH): IUCN Red List; c2020 [cited 2021]. Available from:
Lindsay G. Bluefinger: the race to freeze or breed bluefin tuna before extinction. [Internet]. New York: Fast Company; 2011 [cited 2021]. Available from:
Paris F. Threatened bluefin tuna sells for $3 million in Tokyo market. [Internet]. Washington: NPR; 2019 [cited 2021]. Available from:
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How much oxygen comes from the ocean? [Internet]. Ocean Service NOAA; 2020 [cited 2021]. Available from:
What fishing really looks like
Fishing techniques: squid trawling. [Internet]. Rome: Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations; c2021 [cited 2021]. Available from:
Trawling. [Internet]. Canberra: Australian Fisheries Management Authority; c2021 [cited 2021]. Available from:
Fishing gear: purse seines. [Internet]. Maryland: NOAA Fisheries; [cited 2021]. Available from:
The tuna fishing vessels of the world. [Internet]. Rome: Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations; c2021 [cited 2021]. Available from:
Skipjack tuna. [Internet]. Canberra: Australian Fisheries Management Authority; c2021 [cited 2021]. Available from:
Yellowfin tuna. [Internet]. Sydney: Department of Primary Industries, New South Wales Government; 2016 [cited 2021]. Available from:
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Fishing gear: pelagic longlines. [Internet]. Maryland: NOAA Fisheries; [cited 2021]. Available from:
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EXPLAINER: Farmed fish
RSPCA approved farming scheme standard: farmed atlantic salmon. [Internet]. Melbourne (AU): RSPCA; 2020 [cited 2021]. Available from:
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Edwards R. Horror photos of farmed salmon spark legal threat. [Internet]. Edinburgh: The Ferret; 2018 [cited 2021]. Available from:
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Yong E. Farmed salmon decimate wild populations by exposing them to parasites. [Internet]. Washington: National Geographic; 2008 [cited 2021]. Available from:
Chapter two
The future of food
Ritchie H. You want to reduce the carbon footprint of your food? Focus on what you eat, not whether your food is local. [Internet]. Oxford: Our World in Data; 2020 [cited 2021]. Available from:
BIG EXPLAINER: Why we need to talk about animal-free fashion
Planet. [Internet]. Melbourne (AU): Collective Fashion Justice; 2020 [cited 2021]. Available from:
Hakansson E. Is leather a by-product of the meat industry?. [Internet]. Sydney: Good On You; 2020 [cited 2020]. Available from:
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Hakansson E. Calculating the water footprint of cow skin leather goods. [Internet]. Melbourne (AU): CIRCUMFAUNA; 2021 [cited 2021]. Available from:
Hakansson E. Wool v cotton land use. [Internet]. Melbourne (AU): CIRCUMFAUNA; 2021 [cited 2021]. Available from:
EXPLAINER: Agricultural subsidies
Financial report. [Internet]. Melbourne (AU): Meat and Livestock Australia; 2019 [cited 2021]. Available from:
Orden D, Zulauf C. Political economy of the 2014 Farm Bill. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 2015; 97 (5): 1298-1311.
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Your key to European statistics. [Internet]. Luxembourg City (LU): Eurostat Statistics Explained; 2020 [cited 2021]. Available from:
Show me the money: following the money trail of animal agriculture. [Internet]. [Toronto]: Vegan Society of Canada; 2020 [cited 2021]. Available from:
Grass-roots movements for plant-based change
Robson D. The ‘3.5% rule’ how a small minority can change the world. [Internet]. London: BBC News; 2019 [cited 2021]. Available from:
Chapter three
Protecting the environment protects people
Su Y. UN ruling could be a game-changer for climate refugees and climate action. [Internet]. Melbourne (AU): The Conversation; 2020 [cited 2021]. Available from:
Rigaud K, de Sherbinin A, Bergmann J, Clement V, Ober K, Schewe J, et al. Groundswell: preparing for internal climate mitigation. [Internet]. Washington: World Bank; 2019 [cited 2021]. Available from:
EXPLAINER: Environmental racism
Mansoor S. Environmental injustice is another form of ‘assault on Black bodies,’ says Sen. Cory Booker. [Internet]. New York: Time; 2020 [cited 2021]. Available from:
Yeoman B. ‘It smells like a decomposing body’: North Carolina polluting pig farms. [Internet]. London: The Guardian; 2019 [cited 2021]. Available from:
Mock B. North Carolina’s environmental history is littered with racial injustice. [Internet]. Santa Barbara (US): Pacific Standard; 2018 [cited 2021]. Available from:
Hedberg Y, Lidén C, Wallinder I. Chromium released from leather - I: exposure conditions that govern the release of chromium (III) and chromium (VI). Contact Dermatitis. 2015; 72 (4): 206–215.
Junaid M, Hashmi M, Tang Y, Malik R, Pei D. Potential health risk of heavy metals in the leather manufacturing industries in Sialkot, Pakistan. Scientific Reports. 2017; 7, 8848.
Rastogi S, Pandey A, Tripathi S. Occupational health risks among the workers employed in leather tanneries in Kanpur. Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2008; 12: 132-135.
Rastogi S, Kesavachandran C, Mahdi F, Pandey A. Occupational cancers in leather tanning industries: a short review. Indian Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine. 2007; 11 (1): 3-5.
Gallagher S. India: the toxic price of leather. [Internet]. Washington: The Pulitzer Center; 2014 [cited 2021]. Available from:
Richards M, Gabrielle R, Wickham S. Future fashion white papers. [Internet]. California: Organic Leather; 2017 [cited 2021]. Available from:
Statistics & sources of information. [Internet]. Northampton (UK): Leather Council; c2018 [cited 2021]. Available from:
Leather: time for business unusual. [Internet]. Hong Kong: China Water Risk; 2014 [cited 2021]. Available from:
Indigenous land rights, sovereignty and animal agriculture
Hawk H. The Waiapi tribe: the protects of the Amazon rainforest. [Internet]. Massachusetts: Harvard International Review; 2019 [cited 2021]. Available from:
Ditty S. Out of Sight. [Internet]. London: Fashion Revolution; 2020 [cited 2021]. Available from:
Pascoe B. Dark Emu. Broome (AU): Magabala Books Aboriginal Corporation; 2014.
Slaughterhouse work is largely done by vulnerable people
Meat industry workforce. [Internet]. London: British Meat Processors Association; [cited 2021]. Available from:
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Critical shortage of labour in Canada’s largest food processing industry. [Internet]. Ottawa (CA): Canadian Meat Council; 2016 [cited 2021]. Available from:
Slaughterhouse work and the physical risks
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Cook I. How fast is too fast? OSHA’s regulation of the meat industry’s line speed and the price paid by humans and animals. Sustainable Development Law & Policy. Fall 2017; 18 (1).
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The poor treatment of slaughterhouse workers
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The mental implications of slaughterhouse work
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The impact of slaughtering on human communities
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Farming animals, the mental impact
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How the far-right became obsessed with soy
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Today, 820 million people do not have enough food to eat. Each year, we feed over 70 billion farmed animals on land
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EXPLAINER: class issues and animal consumption
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BIG EXPLAINER: Evolution and meat
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Harari YN. Sapiens, a brief history of humankind. London: Random House UK; 2015.
EXPLAINER: Cancer and animal foods
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Nguyen J, Major J, Knott C, Freeman K, Downs T, Saxe G. Adoption of a plant-based diet by patients with recurrent prostate cancer. Integrative cancer therapies. 2006.
Other health issues associated with consuming land-dwelling animals, fish, dairy and eggs
Gupta M. Diet and disease. [Internet]. Melbourne (AU): Kindness Project; 2021 [cited 2021]. Available from:
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Simke A. There is plastic in your fish. [Internet]. New Jersey: Forbes; 2020 [cited 2021]. Available from:
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Greger M. Peeks behind the egg industry curtain. [Internet]. Maryland: Nutrition Facts; 2015 [cited 2021]. Available from:
Intolerance and dietary racism
Breaking: Santa is lactose intolerant. [Internet]. Washington: The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine; 2014 [cited 2021]. Available from:
Morgan N. Introduction: dairy development in Asia. [Internet]. Bangkok: Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations; [cited 2021]. Available from:
Bertron P, Barnard N, Mills M. Racial bias in federal nutrition policy, Part I: The public health implications of variations in lactase persistence. Journal of the National Medical Association. 1999; 91 (3): 151-157.
Access to healthy food. [Internet]. Cotati: Food Empowerment Project; c2021 [cited 2021]. Available from:
Davy D. Australia’s efforts to improve food security for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. Health and Human Rights Journal. 2016: PMCID: PMC5394999.
Gupta M. Diet and disease. [Internet]. Melbourne (AU): Kindness Project; 2021 [cited 2021]. Available from:
ACTION: Learn from the work of vegans of colour looking at health, liberation and their connections
Severson K. Black vegans step out, for their health and other causes. [Internet]. New York: New York Times; 2017 [cited 2021]. Available from:
Myth-busting: veganism, health and wellness
Rizzo G, Baroni L. Soy, soy foods and their roll in vegetarian diets: Nutrients. 2018.
Cobalt deficiency in sheep and cattle. [Internet]. Perth: Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Government of Western Australia; 2019 [cited 2021]. Available from:
B12 deficiency in 40% of US population proves concern in not just for vegans. [Internet]. Los Angeles: Live Kindly; c2021 [cited 2021]. Available from:
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Lynch H, Johnston C, Wharton C. Plant-Based Diets: Considerations for Environmental Impact, Protein Quality, and Exercise Performance. Nutrients. 2018;10(12):1841.
Barnard ND, Goldman DM, Loomis JF, Kahleova H, Levin SM, Neabore S, et al. Plant-Based Diets for Cardiovascular Safety and Performance in Endurance Sports. Nutrients. 2019;11(1):130.
Health disparities, African-American or Black population. [Internet]. Connecticut: Cigna; 2016 [cited 2020]. Available from:
After startling report shows dramatic increase in suicide attempts among Black teenagers, BP Adams and stakeholders call for innovative solutions, including youth-led hack-a-thon, to improve mental health for young people of color. [Internet]. Brooklyn: Office of the Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams; 2019 [cited 2020]. Available from:
Percival A. Brooklyn’s borough President just shut down the meat industry. [Internet]. Los Angeles: Live Kindly; 2019 [cited 2021]. Available from:
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New York City schools ban processed meat!. [Internet]. Washington: The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine; 2019 [cited 2021]. Available from:
Less meat: if the New York City council is leading the way. [Internet]. Rome: LAV; 2019 [cited 2021]. Available from:
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Collective health
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Zoonotic disease
Gongal G, Bezbaruah S, Wright A. [Internet]. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2014 [cited 2021]. Available from:
Influenza: are we ready? [Internet]. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2020 [cited 2021]. Available from:
Zoonotic influenza seasonal influenza pandemic influenza. [Internet]. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2020 [cited 2021]. Available from:
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Can Ö, D’Cruze N, Macdonald D. Dealing in deadly pathogens: taking stock of the legal trade in live wildlife and potential risks to human health: Global Ecology and Conservation. 2019.
Antibiotic resistance
Torok S. Maker of the miracle mould. [Internet]. Melbourne (AU): ABC News; c1998 [cited 2021]. Available from:
Antibiotic resistance. [Internet]. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2020 [cited 2021]. Available from:
Antibiotic resistance in food animals nearly tripled since 2000. [Internet]. Maryland: Science Daily; 2019 [cited 2021]. Available from:
Martin M, Thottathil S, Newman T. Antibiotics overuse in animal agriculture: a call to action for health care providers. American Journal of Public Health. 2015; 105 (12): 2409-2410.
Well over 2,300 individual, land-dwelling annimals are slaughtered every second, according to UN FAO data.
Food and agricultural data. [Internet]. Rome: Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations; 2016 [cited 2021]. Available from:
Bartal I, Decety J, Mason P. Empathy and pro-social behavior in rats: Science. 2011. 10.1126/science.1210789
Sentience and individuality
Low P. The Cambridge declaration on consciousness. [Internet]. Cambridge: Francis Crick Memorial Conference; 2012 [cited 2021]. Available from:
Bekoff M. Are pigs as smart as dogs and does it really matter?. [Internet] New York: Psychology Today; 2013 [cited 2021]. Available from:
Marino L, Colvin C. Thinking pigs: a comparative review of cognition, emotion, and personality in sus domesticus. International Journal of Comparative Psychology. 2015; 28 (1): 1-23.
Including fish in our consideration
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Brown C. Fish intelligence, sentience and ethics. Animal Cognition. 2015; 18 (1): 1-17.
Vindas M, Johansen I, Folkedal O, Höglund E, Gorissen M, Flik G, et al. Brain serotonergic activation in growth-stunted farmed salmon: adaption versus pathology. 2016; 3 (5).
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Stelling T. Do lobsters and other invertebrates feel pain? New research has some answers. [Internet]. Washington: The Washington Post; 2014 [cited 2021]. Available from:
Chak S, Bauer R, Thiel M. Social behaviour and recognition in decapod shrimps, with emphasis on the caridea: 2015.
QUICK FACTS: Fish intelligence
Brown C. Fish intelligence, sentience and ethics. Animal Cognition. 2015; 18 (1): 1-17.
EXPLAINER: How we got here
Harari YN. Sapiens, a brief history of humankind. London: Random House UK; 2015.
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EXPLAINER: Legal animal mutilation
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How marketing and language hide cruelty
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EXPLAINER: Free range fraud
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An HIS report: the welfare of intensively confined animals in battery cages, gestation crates, and veal crates. [Internet]. Washington: Humane Society US; 2008 [cited 2021]. Available from:
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How the law fails animals
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Victorian codes of practice for animal welfare. [Internet]. Melbourne (AU): Agriculture Victoria; c2021 [cited 2021]. Available from:
Reppy W. Broad exemptions in animal-cruelty statuses unconstitutionally deny equal protection under law. Law and Contemporary Problems. 2007; 70 (1): 255-324.
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McGhee R. Croc killer ‘sick of losing cattle’ fined $10,000 for shooting ‘iconic’ 11yo animal on farm. [Internet]. Melbourne (AU): ABC News; 2018 [cited 2021]. Available from:
Myth: Dairy isn’t a slaughter industry, and cows need to be milked
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Semen collection and electro-ejaculation. [Internet]. Sydney: Department of Primary Industries, New South Wales Government; c2021 [cited 2021]. Available from:
What happens to bobby calves?. [Internet]. Melbourne (AU): RSPCA; 2021 [cited 2021]. Available from:
Humane killing and disposal of sick or injured cattle. [Internet]. Melbourne (AU): Dairy Australia; c2021 [cited 2021]. Available from:
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Nielson O, Hawkes P. Fetal bovine serum and the slaughter of pregnant cows: animal welfare and ethics: Bioprocessing Journal. 2019.
Myth: eggs can be sourced ethically
Romanov M, Weigend S. Analysis of genetic relationships between various populations of domestic and jungle fowl using microsatellite markers. Poultry Science. 2001; 80: 1057-1063.
Chickens and eggs. [Internet]. Washington: US Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Statistics Service; 2018 [cited 2020]. Available from:
Layer hen depopulation: break up with eggs. [Internet]. Sydney: Animal Liberation; 2019 [cited 2021]. Available from:
Eggs exposed. [Internet]. Melbourne (AU): Farm Transparency Project; c2021 [cited 2021]. Available from:
Dalton J. Millions of male chicks may be crushed or gassed to death by egg producers, German judge rules. [Internet]. London: The Independent; 2019 [cited 2021]. Available from:].
Mckenna M. By 2020, male chicks may avoid death by grinder. [Internet]. Washington: National Geographic; 2016 [cited 2021]. Available from:
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Chapter six: animal issues are our issues
Humans are animals
Marshall M. Timeline: the evolution of life [Internet]. London: New Scientist; 2009 [cited 2021]. Available from:
EXPLAINER: Oppression built upon the identity of human
Freire P, English rendering Ramos M. Pedagogy of the oppressed. New York: Continuum; 2005.